North American Refugee Health Conference 2013

June 6-8, 2013

Metro Toronto Convention Centre

Chair and Course Director, Dr. Anna Banerji

NARHC 2013 Syllabus

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Abtracts submitted

Plenary Speakers

  • Dr. Danielle Grondin, Director General, Health Branch Ministry of Citizenship & Immigration, An update on refugee health in Canada 
  • Dr. Paul Spiegel, Senior Health Officer for HIV/AIDS United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, Health and Nutrition Interventions in Refugee Emergencies and New Methodologies to Document Them 
  • Dr. Mark W. Tyndall, Chief & Chair, Infectious Diseases Division – HIV and Refugee Health 
  • Dr. Kamran Khan, Associate Professor Department of Medicine, Division of Infectious Disease, Effectiveness of the Immigration Medical Exam in the Prevention and Early   Detection of Active Tuberculosis in New Immigrants and Refugees 
  • Dr. Crista Johnson-Agbakwu, Founder and Director, Refugee Women’s Health Clinic, Maricopa Integrated Health System, Reproductive Health in Refugee Women 
  • Dr. Philip Berger, Director, Department of Family & Community Medicine St. Michael’s Hospital- Refugee Crisis in Canada 
  • Dr. Kevin Pottie, Associate Professor Department of Family Medicne and Epidemiology and Community Medicine – Improving the Delivery of Primary Health Care for Vulnerable Migrants: An International Evidenced Based Perspective 
