North American Refugee Health Conference 2015

June 4-6, 2015

Metro Toronto Convention Centre

Chair and Course Director, Dr. Anna Banerji

NARHC 2015 Syllabus

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Abtracts submitted

Plenary Speakers

  • Dr.Philip Berger, Director, Department of Family & Community Medicine St. Michael’s Hospital Dr. Meb Rashid, Crossroads Clinic, Women’s College Hospital – From the Streets to the Courts: An Update on the Fight of Health Care Workers Against Refugee Cuts 
  • Dr. John S. Brownstein, Professor of Pediatrics and Biomedical informatics, Harvard Medical School,Digital Disease Detection 
  • Dr. Martin Cetron, Director Global Health and Migration, Centres for Disease Control – Update on Refugee Health in USA 
  • Dr. Brain Gushulak, Migration Health Consultants, Inc, Former Director International Organization on Migration – A Brief History of Refugee Health   
  • Crista Johnson-Agbakwu, Founder and Director, Refugee Women’s Health Clinic, Maricopa Integrated Health System, A culturally-Informed Educational Program to Promote Sexual   Health and Well-Being among Refugee Women 
  • Rana Khan, Legal Officer, United Nations High Commission on Refugees, UNHCR Global Strategy on Detention: Beyond Detention 
  • Dr. Arthur Kim, Director Viral Hepatitis Clinic, Massachusetts General Hospital, Screening for HBV and HCV in Refugee Population 
  • Dr. Curi Kim, Director, Division of Refugee Health, Office of Refugee Resettlement Administration for Children and Families, Department of Health and Human Services Unaccompanied Children from Central America: Surge and Surveillance 
  • Dr. Paul Spiegel, Senior Health Officer for HIV/AIDS United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, Why Refugees Need Jobs, Bank Accounts and Health Insurance 
  • Dr. Debra Stein, Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Canadian Centre for Victims of Torture, – Supporting Mental Health in Refugee Youth: Pathways to Sustainable Practice  
  • Dr. Patricia F. Walker, Medical Director, HealthPartners Travel and Tropical Medicine Center, Best Practices in Refugee Health: Leading with Head and Heart 
  • Dr. Kate Yun, Policy Lab, Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, Small Patients, Big Data: Harnessing Data to Guide Clinical Care and Public Health Planning 
